Please tell us your story; what brought you to the Bridges to Careers program? I came to the United States wanting to improve my English and start a new career. I started to take classes at Hawthorne to improve my...
Welcome to the Best Places to Work 2022 process! For the TWELFTH year in a row, Workforce Development, Inc. has connected with Personnel Dynamics Consulting, Inc. of Florida to bring the nationally-recognized “Best Places To Work” program to Southeast Minnesota!...
By ANNIE GRANLUND / Owatonna Peoples Press / / / Dec 7, 2021 It has been more than three years since Owatonna has had a local workforce development office, making it difficult to connect people who are unemployed...
Kelli has been a client of Workforce Development, Inc. since 2015. She has been using county benefits while working on applying for social security disability. Over the years she has attempted to work several jobs, but was never able to...
Tracy Bjerke of Owatonna had been working as a registered dietician at Hy-Vee when she was laid off in early 2020 at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Tracy had been working at Hy-Vee for a little over 7 years...
My name is Meijin Wang, and I am from China. I’ve lived in Rochester, Minnesota since 2006. When I arrived, I discovered the freezing weather they have here in Rochester, and its long six-month winter. My English was limited, so...
Alex is a young man who email questions about the Pathways to Prosperity grant, specifically the Accelerated Welding class. His probation officer had given him the information and he was interested and wanted to know if he qualified for grant...